We Manually Check Files Submitted. IF We Can't Make Your File Ready For Press, We Will Contact You Before Printing. We Got Your Back.
  1. Name your design, any name will do.
  2. Choose SELECT FILE and browse your computer for your file and add it.
  3. Once your file is added a checkout button will appear below. Click on it and add order details.
  4. For multiple orders just select checkout button and add the order details. Then choose save design and continue shopping and repeat process.


  1. Download file template.
  2. Add your artwork.
  3. Remove the safe and cut lines if not hidden with our template.
  4. All files and elements must be CMYK and 300 DPI resolution.
  5. Artwork MUST be 2.125" X 3.625" allowing for bleed and we recommend safe area of .125" in from cut size of 2" X 3.5".
  6. Upload for printing.
Accepted Formats:

Helpful Hints

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.
